Sunday, August 2, 2009

Post # 5

Sorry I forgot to post this!!! My bad!!

So it seems as if we are getting to the end of our class. These last few chapters had their good points and their bad points. In chapter 13 it talked about free speech and the internet. It seems to say something along the lines that we need to be careful what we say on the internet. Now I completely disagree with that. I think that if one says something that offends another person then they should either not pay attention to it or leave the room. Now we talked about, however I do not agree with the fact that this lady got fired from her job for the web blogs she posted about people she worked with. She did not use the actual names of the people she was referring to. So therefore unless u worked with her personally people that read what was wrote over the internet would have no idea who she was talking about. When I read about Napster in Chapter 13 all I could think about was how on “Italian Job” that guy said he actually invented Napster but how his roommate stole the software while he was sleeping. Yeah I’m blonde sometimes certain things just stick into our heads! Now I did find the stuff about digital cities to be pretty interesting. The game you showed us in class I thought was amazing. Not only the graphics but it just seemed so real. I don’t play much video games or computer games but I could probably see myself playing that game. Now I’ll just have to remember to ask you what it was called again. In the reading it also talks about internet voting. I’m not sure how that really is any different from how we vote today. We go to a specialized location which done on a computer and select their vote. So why not let people do it from their homes and/or work locations, even libraries. Even though I don’t really see an issue with it, I’m sure there will be a lot brought up in class during our discussion. I don’t really follow politics anyhow. I kind of find it boring. I did find the fact that English was not the native language to be very interesting. I never would have thought it would be Chinese. But how it is that I asked my ex husband if he knew what the native language was and of course he said Chinese, I was like what the hell??